Warning: There are a lot of photos
We visited a wind farm,
Stayed in a strawbale B & B
Visited the longest place name in the world,
Went walking around a wetland that is being rehabilitated,
Where a chicken tried to befriend us.
Then we went to Napier, the Art Deco Capital of New Zealand. The city was destroyed by a huge 8.7 magnitude earthquake in 1929 so when the city was rebuilt it was all in the style of the times, Art Deco.
We did a self guided walking tour of all that is Art Deco, these are just some of the snaps.
This is under the verandah over the footpath |
We visited the lookout over looking the bay
And dined at a fab Cafe/Deli where it was hard to resist all the goodies on display.
We did lots of walking
And spent time with my nieces
We had a roll up with my Nan and her friends who taught us how to bowl.
We met Lucy the latest addition to the family.
And spent time at the park.
It was a great trip and now that I am feeling better and can get back to blog land because I have not even had a chance to see what you have all been up to.
Off to read some blogs.
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