This post comes with the following warning:
Should you not wish to be subjected to a fully flung rant that may or may not contain bad language you should close your browser page now. The following thoughts are mine and mine alone and I do not claim to have investigated them so do not read them as fact.
Over the Easter weekend we had friends and family come to stay and at the end of the weekend I was left a trashy woman's magazine by a friend who is possibly reading this so first of all let me made a few comments.
I respect each and every persons right to read what they want, and if trashy mags are your thing no worries. I do not expect that everyone else out their shares my taste in reading material so who am I to judge. These are my thoughts on the matter and mine alone.
Not being one who buys magazines about anything other than gardening, food, home and lifestyle, my flick through the pages of the TM (Trashy Magazine) left me with the urge to shake some one.
Number one I have no idea who most of these people are. But apparently some are too fat, some are too thin, some one is dating some one after being friends for a long time (oh no how shocking, surely you can't be friends first - can you hear my sarcasm).
There are tears, tantrums and finger pointing, and that is from the adults. Then there are the kids who also have to put up with having crap written about them and getting dragged into the media. And yes I mean absolute rubbish.
Take this story for example. It comes with a picture of Cindy Crawford carrying a brown paper bag and her daughter Kaia carrying what appears to be a foil food container both dressed casually. The story goes on to say how Cindy is jealous of her daughter "although Cindy is proud of her daughter she admits to feeling a bit envious of her youthful good looks. She still looks great but it must be hard for knowing that her best years are behind her and her daughters are yet to come".
Are you freaking kidding me!!!! Who makes up this Sh*t.
Then there is an article about how LeAnn Rimes has not only run off with the husband, but is now wearing the same perfume that the ex-wife wears. What the???
Is this really considered news? Is this type of sh*t really selling magazines? What a waste of money and resources to produce a magazine that is not worth using a loo paper.
Not only are these magazines full to overflowing with made up garbage about people who are famous for being famous, but they are also responsible for feeding the readers a load of rubbish about what they should look like, what they should wear and the possessions they should aspire to owning. They make money by making the mundane out to be something worth reading about, not to mention most of it is lies. "Brad and Ange Splitting Up!" Brad and Ange Getting Married" "Brad Moving Out" Ange Pregnant Again". Give me a break.
And my biggest gripe is that all of this is made out to be some kind worthy news like it rates a mention. Surely if we must have stories about celebrities we can find something positive to write about. There must be good news stories out there where people are making positive choices where they lead by example and inspire others to do the same. Would this not leave us all feeling better about ourselves because we had positive celebrity role models? Let's spread that message instead.
As it stands any positive feeling that we garner from these magazines is because we are relishing in how terrible their lives are, the problems that they have, how badly they have messed up and thank goodness too because it now we feel better about our selves.
A bit sad really.
If you are still with me here, thanks for putting up with me, if not well I understand. But what I would like to say is this. We all have the choice as adults to choose what magazines we read and we are mature enough to see things for what they are, but if you have children just think about the type of role models you are setting out on display on the coffee table.
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
Trashy Magazines - On My Soapbox
Posted on 15:29 by Unknown
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