The challange is to attempt to buy no single use disposable plastic in July.
This is an initiative of Earth Carers a group in Western Australia.
The Rules
- Between 1 – 31 July, attempt to buy no plastic packaging that cannot be recycled.
- Remember its not going to be easy, but its a challenge, not a competition so don't worry about being perfect.
- Collect any plastic packaging you do buy. Keep it in a ‘dilemma bag’ and share a photograph at the end of the challenge.
I have long given up plastic bags at the green grocer and instead use some old onion bags that I collected. They weigh nothing and can be used over and over again.
I think that it is going to be a hard month and I am not optimistic about my "dilemma bag" being empty at the end of the month.
I will be reporting back weekly about my efforts, struggles and the "dilemma bag".
If you have any suggestions about being plastic free please let me know.
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