By Rod Hemmick
Special Contributing Author
for Motorheads Performance
Special Contributing Author
for Motorheads Performance
Part 1 – How & Why License Plates Started in Texas
This article is the first part of a series which will cover the history of Texas license plates. It is an interesting fact, that when the first laws were passed requiring that automobiles be registered, the states did not actually “issue” license plates to vehicle owners. Instead, it was up to the vehicle owners to provide the license plate (or plates) to display on their vehicles.
Each state, of course, passed its own laws at different points in the early 1900’s. New York was the first state in the Union to require that vehicle owners register their vehicles. Beginning on May 25, 1901, all motor vehicles operating in the State of New York were required to have their vehicles registered with the State. It is interesting to note that these first registration numbers consisted only of the vehicle owner’s initials. Most of the surviving examples today suggest that the majority of these “first” license plates consisted of metal letters attached to a leather pad. Since these first license plates consisted only of the owners initials, it did not take long for a great number of duplications to become in existence. For that reason, by 1903 a system of numbers replaced the use of the owner’s initials in the State of New York.
This time period, which varies for each state, when the vehicle owner was required to furnish their own license plates, is referred to as the “pre-state” period in license plate history. Pre-state indicating that the period was prior to the period when the states actually provided the license plates to vehicle owners when they registered their vehicles.
Once a state began to issue license plates with vehicle registrations, it entered the second period which is usually referred to as the “state-issued” period. Today, all fifty states in the United States issue license plates to vehicle owners when their vehicles are registered.
The registration of motor vehicles in the State of Texas came about as the result of House Bill #93 which was introduced during the 30th Legislature which convened in Austin, Texas on January 8, 1907. This bill did not pass during the regular session, and became a matter of priority during the special session which was called on April 12, 1907 (the same day the regular session ended). House Bill #93 was passed on April 15, 1907 and became law on August 10, 1907.
This act required that “All owners of automobiles or motor vehicles shall, before using such vehicles or machines upon the public roads, streets or driveways, register with the county clerk of the county in which he resides, his name, which name shall be registered by the county clerk in consecutive order in a book to be kept for that purpose, and shall be numbered in the order of their registration, and it shall be the duty of such owner or owners to display in a conspicuous place on said machine the number so registered, which number shall be in figures not less than six inches in height. The county clerk shall be paid by such owner or owners a fee of fifty cents for each vehicle registered.” (As a note of interest, speed limits were also set by this act at 8 miles per hour while driving inside any city limits and 18 miles per hour while driving outside of any city limits). Thus began the “pre-state” era of licensing of motor vehicles in the State of Texas which would continue until June 30, 1917.
Efforts had begun as early as 1903 to establish a central authority for regulating the State’s highway system in Texas. During the period from 1903 to 1916, there were eighteen different bills introduced in the State legislature to establish a State highway department, but none of them were passed. This was due mainly to a strong feeling among many of the State’s citizens that such a move would create increased taxation. Also, there were many who were opposed to any type of “centralization” of state government. Thus, at the time the 1907 law came into effect, everything was left up to the individual counties. There was no statewide registration system. Each county that had a county clerk (not all did at this time) maintained its own set of records which, of course, created a duplication of registration numbers in every county that was registering vehicles at the time.
Editor's Note: The various types of early license plates in Texas, along with photo samples, will be the subject of our next article. Please stay tuned for this weekly series of articles which will include how to find rare collector plates, and how to find plates for your ride! - Andrea L. Algar
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